About Me

Hi! My name is Luca (he/him) and I’m from Los Angeles. I play tennis here and am an English major. I really enjoy films and music and hope to work in entertainment. I’m currently prepping my set list for a show right now! I started my first two years as an economics major and didn’t have any desire to continue with that so I switched to English which I love!

Like I mentioned before, I am very into film, my favorite is La La Land. I’m looking forward to writing a screenplay this year and hope it turns out well. I’ve recently caught up on Game of Thrones…it was fantastic. When thinking of a favorite quote, I first thought of my favorite exchange from the movie Asteroid City.

Midge: You feel different?

Augie: I don’t feel anything at all.

Here I am walking along West End Ave in NYC where i worked in consulting this summer!


5 responses to “About Me”

  1. Hey Luca! La La Land is an amazing movie. Never fails to make me cry.

  2. Hey Luca!! I loveeee La La Land. It’s an amazing movie!

  3. Hi Luca! I remember watching Game of Thrones for the first time and absolutely loving it – let me know if you watched/plan on watching House of the Dragon! I keep getting mixed reviews of it!

  4. Hi Luca. Love the pic. I’m really glad you found the light (the English department).

  5. Hey Luca—I’d love to hear more about your interest in the entertainment industry! I’ve always thought a really fun job would be screenwriting! I also love that you mentioned switching majors—gotta love the liberal arts!!

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