Black DH

The project I’m highlighting is the African American Design Nexus. This project aims to showcase the works of African American Designers in many ways. One design feature that sticks out to me is the easy clicking – essentially every piece of information that would lead to a new page changes to a different color taking away any need to think from the user. This is extremely helpful on the “Community News” and “Nexus Podcast” tabs. One design flaw is in the title bar where the user can toggle between pages. The pages on the right ( “Community News,” “Nexus Podcast,” and “Features,” and “About”) highest when the mouse is hovered over them yet the main page button is located by pressing the title located next to the icon in the page’s corner, this is confusing and does not light up.

One quote that sticks out to me is “Nexus Features seek to promote the presence of African Americans in the design industry, showcase their craft, and the areas they work.” This quote fully explains the topic of the nexus which at first I didn’t understand. The focus on showcase stuck out to me – it makes it clear what the site is made for and what the group is trying to do. The website not only promotes, but enables the showcasing of these artists craft.

Works Cited

“Homepage – African American Design Nexus.” African American Design Nexus – Honoring the Work of African American Designers at the Intersection of Design, Black Identity, and Practice., 9 May 2024,


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